
司徒衛 : 嶺南校徽設計者 = Szto Wai : designer of the Lingnan emblem


此書錄由嶺南大學1947年超社歐陽讓學長編著,內容以嶺南校徽及其設計者司徒衛先生為主題,表揚他對嶺南教育的貢獻。抗戰時期,嶺南大學曾多次遷校,歐陽讓學長特別就1942-1944年抗日戰爭後期,記述舊廣州嶺南大學和附中遷校至廣東北部韶關仙人廟嶺大村的事蹟。 歐陽讓學長於書中撰文回憶當年於嶺大村上課時的軼事,介紹由司徒衛先生為嶺南創作的校徽背景,司徒衛先生應當時李應林校長的邀請,協助統籌建設嶺大村,並將當時校園及大村周圍景觀作畫,為粵北戰時嶺南校舍留下珍貴紀錄。作者選取了當中九幀水彩畫,附上中英對照的註釋,期望文章能送給早年嶺南人緬懷過去戰時的苦與樂,亦鼓勵嶺南的後來者,以司徒衛先生為榜樣,承傳嶺南歸屬感,以作為嶺南一分子而自豪,發揚薪火相傳的嶺南精神。 This publication was authored by IR AU-YOUNG Young, Lingnan alumni of Class 1947, with main purpose to appraise the contribution of Mr. Szto Wai, the designer of Lingnan Emblem, for Lingnan. During the Sino-Japanese War (1942-1944), Lingnan evacuated from Hong Kong and re-opened in Shao Kwan, the Northern part of Kwangtung Province. Mr. Szto Wai, together with President Lee Y. L. re-developed a new University campus at Taitsuen, some 30 miles from Shaokwan, a nearby railway station called Sin Yan Miu ( Miu means temple). Mr. Szto Wai later created a series of watercolours and sketches of Taitsuen campus, which are now the most important and valuable records documenting Lingnan history at Taitsuen. Mr. AU-YOUNG chronicle his memory at Taitsuen and introduced the background about the creation of Lingnan Emblem by Mr. Szto Wai. Mr. AU-YOUNG chose nine paintings of Szto Wai, supplementing each with bilingual description in both Chinese and English. This publication not only to serves to muse those alumni to recall those remote by-gone days but also enhance the young Lingnanians to learn the emblem designer\u27s devotion and contribution to Lingnan over 40 years. [內容撮要由嶺南檔案室撰寫 Description compiled by Lingnan Archives ]

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