
Regional analysis on the implementation of Madrid International Plan on ageing


The world’s population is rapidly ageing, are countries all geared up to withstand the impacts brought by the demograph­ical changes? 2002 marked an historical moment for the ageing world, where the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (hereafter ‘MIPAA’) was adopted by 159 countries worldwide at the Second World Assembly on Ageing held in Spain. Countries pledged their commitments to building a society for all ages by means of institutional arrangement, poli­cies and programmes. The document sets out objectives and priority areas in dealing with the ageing population, which serve as guiding principles to policymakers and service providers. 10 years since MIPAA was adopted in 2002, how much progresses countries have made since then? How far countries are from the goals established in 2002? The paper will provide a detailed account the progress on the implementation of MIPAA in regard to ageing policies and programmes based on the responses from 30 countries and areas s in Asia and Pacific region under three priority directions (1) Older Persons and Development; (2) Advancing Health into Old Age; and (3) Ensuring Enabling and Supportive Environments . 「马德里国际老龄问题国际行动计划地域性分析」 摘要 全球人口急速老化,世界各国是否已为人口结构转变而来的挑战做好应对的准备?2002年是历史性的一年,全球159个国家于第二次老龄问题世界大会签订《马德里老龄问题国际行动计划》(下称《行动计划》),承诺以政策及服务建构全龄社会。《行动计划》勾划了国家应对人口老化的政策目标与服务方略,为政策制定者及服务提供者提供指导性原则。从2002年起转眼十年,世界各国进展如何?距离2002年订定的目标还有多远?本论文将就亚太地区30个国家就《行动计划》的三大优先方向:(1)老年人与发展、(2)增进老年人的健康和福祉及 (3)确保老年人有利的支助性环境所实施的老龄政策与项目探讨《行动计划》的落实情况

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