Technological national learning in France : from minitel to internet
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In France, the development of the Internet has been influenced by the evolution of the inherited information technology. France had many of the elements needed for the Internet to flourish: excellent engineering schools, participation of scientists and academic researchers in data networks, financial markets with venture capital companies, supportive government, and high incomes. Thus, France had many of the components that constitute the American, or even the Silicon Valley, model. And yet, the internet economy did not begin until some years after the United States, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Many have argued that the monopoly of France Telecom slowed the Internet's development in France. In this chapter, we shall show that it was instead France's early lead in electronic commerce that hindered this development.internet;politique économique;développement;technologies de l'information de la communication;évolution de la structure de marché;frontière public/privé