Les 3 points forts des protéines de la viande : composition en acides aminés, digestibilité et vitesse de digestion


Numéro Hors-Série ; Session : La place de la viande dans la nutrition humainePartenaires des JSMTV 2014 : Polytech Clermont-Ferrand, France.VetAgro Sup, Institut d'Enseignement Supérieur et de Recherche en Alimentation, Santé Animale, Sciences Agronomiques et de l'Environnement, France.ADIV, Association pour le Développement de l'Institut de la Viande, France.IDELE, Institut de l'Elevage, France.IFIP, Institut du Porc, France.ITAVI, Institut Technique de l'Aviculture et des Elevages de Petits Animaux, France.CTPA, Centre Technique des Productions Animales et agroalimentaires, France.CIV, Centre d'Information des Viandes, France.In order to improve our knowledge of the nutritional quality of meat protein, a research program (ANRPRONUTRIAL),involving both animal and human studies, was developed. Particular attention was given to meat protein digestibility in the small intestine (DIr), and to digestion rate, according to cooking parameters. It was shown that meat protein DIr is high (on average 95% in minipigs, and 92% in healthy humans), and little affected by cooking.Combined with its well-balanced composition in indispensable amino acids, this high digestibility gives meat protein a very high nutritive value. Furthermore it was shown that cooking temperature can be used to modulate the meat protein digestion rate, without affecting the DIr. This parameter is of interest in elderly nutrition, since fast proteins are more efficient than slow proteins at improving postprandial protein anabolism, and therefore in fighting sarcopenia

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