
Analitical Derivation of the Cobb-Douglas Function based on the Golden Rule of Capital Accumulation


In this paper, the neoclassical model is extended for the general case of economic growth, which can be represented as the sum of cyclical and growth components. If the general formulation of the golden rule of capital accumulation is satisfied (the savings rate is equal to the capital income share), the production function takes the form of the Cobb-Douglas function. This function governs the economic growth both when the economy is growing along an equilibrium path and when the economy is departing from it (the correlation coefficient between U.S. GDP changes and calculated ones is equal to 0.91). When economy fluctuations are averaged along an equilibrium path, the Cobb-Douglas function reduces to condition, which is similar to Harrod-Domar one. The level of technology may be reasonably considered to express in terms of the wage level.neoclassical growth model; golden rula of capital accumulation; Cobb-Douglas function; Harrod-Domar condition

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