Measuring the effects of the September 11 attack on New York City
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The attack on the World Trade Center had an enormous financial, as well as emotional, impact on New York City. This article measures the short-term economic effects on the city's labor force and capital stock through June 2002, the end of the recovery process at the World Trade Center site. Using a lifetime-earnings loss concept, the authors estimate that the nearly 3,000 workers killed in the attack lost 7.8billioninprospectiveincome.Moreover,theemploymentimpactinthekeyaffectedsectors−suchasfinance,airtransportation,hotels,andrestaurants−translatedintoanestimatedearningsshortfallof3.6 billion to 6.4billion,whilethecostofrepairingandreplacingthedamagedphysicalcapitalstockandinfrastructuretotaledanestimated21.6 billion. Accordingly, the authors determine that the total attack-related cost to New York City through June 2002 was between 33billionand36 billion. The article also examines the attack's effects on the city's most economically vulnerable residents and analyzes survey findings on the incidence of post-traumatic stress disorder and alcohol and drug use after September 11.Economic conditions - New York (N.Y.) ; Federal Reserve District, 2nd ; War - Economic aspects ; Terrorism ; Disaster relief