Analyzing the impact knowledge identification, cycle time, segmenting customers of product design in accelerating customer acceptance


New product development (NPD) are deliberately essential to meet customer demand and customer acceptance. It be able to keep up or expand market share, sales and income and consequently the aggressiveness of an organization.The market success of a product is largely depends on clearly identifying customer needs and providing a product for the same at reasonable cost to the customer. The ability to develop new products and to improve the existing one governs the growth and market share.NPD has been highlighted as a leading driver for revenue, profit and market share growth. A typical issue faced by the products offering firms is to comprehend the way of customer requirement, interpret them accurately and classify them to decide the configuration that will satisfy maximum requirements with minimal cost.This research aim to analyze cycle time, impact of product related features, number of task and task time, segmenting customer and knowledge identification toward product design. Limitation are company do not review their product development activities and time constraints due to the limited time. Multiple regression indicates all relationship between the variable towards product design supported

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