
Michigan Production Costs for Tart Cherries by Production Region


The weighted average cost of producing tart cherries in Michigan on a representative farm in 2009 is 0.36/lb.ThiscostwasaveragedacrossthethreemainproductionregionsinMichiganandweightedbyaverageperacreproductionforeachregionaspublishedbytheMichiganAgriculturalStatisticsService.Costsvaryacrossthemainproductionregionsandbyfarmsize.Costsareabout0.36/lb. This cost was averaged across the three main production regions in Michigan and weighted by average per acre production for each region as published by the Michigan Agricultural Statistics Service. --Costs vary across the main production regions and by farm size. Costs are about 0.04/lb less for mid-sized farms in Northwest Michigan and 0.08/lband0.08/lb and 0.10/lb in West Central and Southwest Michigan, respectively. --This report was developed through interviews with tart cherry growers and other experts in each of the three main growing regions in 2005 and 2006. Many of the numbers were updated in 2009. --The cost of production calculation is based on estimates of operating costs, harvest costs, and management, interest and tax costs. It also includes an amortized cost of establishing an orchard and employing the land in production (versus some other use). The following tables summarize the cost findings for each of the production regions.Tart cherry, costs, production, Michigan, Agribusiness, Crop Production/Industries, Q100, Q120,

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