
The Value of Carcass Characteristic EPDs in Bred Heifer Price


This study used hedonic modeling to assess the marginal implicit value of bred heifer characteristics and of carcass characteristic expected progeny differences of bred heifer calves. Using data for 692 pens of Show-Me Replacement Heifers Inc. heifers marketed over the 2001 through 2004 period, we find heavier heifers are priced higher than lighter heifers, artificially inseminated heifer pens were premium priced, Angus animals received a premium, pens that are expected to calve at optimal period of the year and within a 30-day window received premiums, calf performance EPD birth weight was positive, only marbling carcass characteristic EPD was positive and significant, buyers prefer larger lots to smaller lots, buyers pay the highest price for lots sold during the mid-point of the sale, and buyers pay a higher price for a pen bred to the same sire. It may be that certain post-weaning carcass characteristics are not of value to buyers because they either sell at weaning or due to the co-mingling of cattle certain expected production capabilities are of little value.Demand and Price Analysis, Livestock Production/Industries,

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