
Recalls - Wiederbeschäftigung im alten Betrieb (Recalls - re-employment in the same firm)


"In the article the extent and distribution of recalls in the Federal Republic of Germany are examinded for the first time and are related to all the cases of recruitment in employment covered by the social security system. The empirical results are based on the evaluations of the IAB employment sample for the years 1975-1990. - Of 7,5 million entries into employment with remuneration in 1989, 6,87 million were new employment contracts and 630,000 were continuations of employment after interruptions in accordande with insurance legislation, in which the right to the job was maintained; - 1,2 million recruitments were assigned to cases of first employment covered by the social security system; - 5,67 million recuitments were made after preceding unemployment or non-activity. Among these were 821,000 recalls into the firms where those concerned had previously been employed, and 4,85 million cases of a change to another company, in some cases with longer-term unemployment or non-activity. Recalls therefore made up about 12% of all new employment contracts. They were to be found mainly in seasonnally dependent industries and outdoor occupations. Of the men almost half of the cases were skilled workers and master craftsmen, more than 40% of the women were in part-time employment. By of legal and economic criteria a typology of the recalls is drawn up, according to which for the men 30% of the cases were assigned to seasonal work, 30% to temporary activities, 20% to recalls due to economic factors and 18% to recalls after longer periods of non-activity without employment benefit. As for the women, 60% of their recalls were assigned to temporary work, 10% to seasonal work and 15% each to recalls due to economic factors and recalls after periods of non-employment. Among the men 2-3% of the recalls were made after supported further training measures (women less than 1%) For men the frequency of recalls with regard to the (total number of) recruitments decreases with the size of the company, whereas women in medium-sized companies have the greatest changes of being recalled. The distribution of recalls according to industries, occupations and other characteristics is shown in the appendix of tables." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Wiederbeschäftigung, IAB-Beschäftigtenstichprobe, vorübergehende Entlassungen, Erwerbsunterbrechung, Personaleinstellung - Struktur, Geschlechterverteilung, Berufsstruktur, zwischenbetriebliche Mobilität, Altersstruktur, Wirtschaftszweige, Saisonarbeit

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