External business environment and SMEs investment in the ghanaian oil and gas sector


There is no scintilla of doubt that integrating SMEs into the high value Oil and Gas Sector would have both immediate and long-term effects on the socio-economic development of Ghana particularly Job creation and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth.This study examines the impact of external business environment on SMEs willingness to invest in the Ghanaian oil and Gas Sector. Using binomial logistic regression analysis we analyze primary data from 245 SMEs from Ghana. The study finds that SMEs that have readily access to finance, reliable electrical supply, required technical qualification, no competition from foreign companies, well informed on Oil and Gas investment opportunity are more likely to invest in Ghanaian oil and gas sector.We also find that corruption perception, political stability and training support in capacity building have no significant influence on SMEs willingness to invest. We suggest that future studies should cover internal firm factors, perceived barriers as well as macro level factors.Also the study is limited to Ghanaian SMEs, future researchers may replicate this study in other oil producing countries in Africa including; Nigeria, Uganda, Angola and South Africa

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