Berufliche Rehabilitation psychisch Kranker (Occupational rehabilitation of people with psychological illnesses)
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"Within our society, work and employment are of central importance for the structuring of human life, and this goes far beyond aspects of creating a secure livelihood in material terms. Conversely, a lack of employment correspondingly constitutes a limitation in many different areasof life for an individual person. Against the background of this, this article includes a description of how significant occupational (re)integration of the chronically sick and the disabled is for the success of their rehabilitation. Current approaches in the occupational rehabilitation of people with psychological illnesses are shown and the results of the evaluation research are presented." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))berufliche Rehabilitation, Rehabilitationseinrichtung, psychisch Behinderte, berufliche Integration - Förderung, Arbeitsplatzsicherung