
The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and food security among the poor: opportunities and constraints


The Global Triple ‘F’ Crises (Fuel, Food and Financial) caused the escalation in food prices during last 2 years in the global food market. The crises created detrimental effects in developing countries, including Sri Lanka and her food market, in general, and her food security, in particular. The objective of this paper is to examine the opportunities and constraints in promoting System of Rice Intensification (SRI) to maintain food security among the poor at the household level in Sri Lanka. The economics of SRI, and its entailing opportunities and constraints in maintaining food security among the poor in Sri Lanka, were analyzed. The upward productivity shift and eco-friendliness of SRI and the attending saving of scarce water resources and reduction of cost of production, created opportunities for farmers to maintain food security among the poor. The constraints in promoting food security through SRI too, were analyzed. Furthermore, the strategic policy and operational options to promote SRI and maintain food security among the poor in Sri Lanka were proposed. It is absolutely necessary to promote SRI to enhance a sustainable and eco-friendly food production system and to maintain food security among the poor. It will be a new paradigm shift in the right direction to maintain increased food production and food security in the country.Length: pp.81-91RiceProduction costsFood security

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