Agent support model for behaviour change intervention


Agent applications have been widely used in decision making process and behaviour change interventions nowadays which might be due to the four unique features of agent proactiveness, reactivity, social ability and autonomy.However, psychological reactance has been identified as a limiting cause of agent interventions. Although, many studies have investigated into both psychological reactance and behaviour change nevertheless the mechanism behind factors interaction that generate reactance during behaviour change interventions (BCI) have not be well studied. Also, how reactive intervention can be supported to obtain an improved behaviour change intervention is still lacking in most previous studies. Therefore, this paper explored dynamic system in differential equation analysis to obtained an agent support model for behaviour change intervention which explicitly describes factors interaction leading to reactance and behaviour change. The model depicts how reactive intervention can be supported to obtain an improved behaviour change intervention. Specifically, this model is tailored to computer or software mediated intervention like agent, avatar, and animation. This paper will aid and guide agent intervention designers to fully comprehend the mechanism behind factors that enhance successful and efficient intervention for their design

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