The Impact of Perceived Social Media Activities On Consumer-Based Brand Equity: A Perspective from Emerging Economy


Every day every traditional business is shifting online, following the Digital marketing trend to grow their business. The primary aim of the research is to investigate those factors that will help the business grow in the online market in a developing nations. For this purpose, SOR Model is used. In this research, two dependent variables are brand experience and customer-based brand equity and independent variables are Informativeness, Trendiness, Personalization, and Word of mouth. In this research, quantitative method is used to investigate concepts to find relationships. Between variables and forecast results. The correlation research approach is used in this research. A survey was conducted with internet users via questionnaire (n=205). For data analysis, SPSS and smart PLS-SEM is used in this research. According to the findings of the study, Informativeness, Personalization, Consumer Based- equity and Word of mouth impacts significantly on Brand Experience, while Trendiness impacts insignificantly on Brand Experience. We recommend taking quizzes during or at the end of the session would be very helpful

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