Diferencias por género y segmentación laboral en Colombia


This document investigates labor market segmentation by sex and whether it is related to labor earnings differences between men and women. Several methodologies to measure segmentation were used complemented with a meta-analysis of mincerian equations estimated at the occupational level. The study is based on DANE’s fairly disaggregated occupational classification (84 occupations). The study finds important evidence of occupational segmentation, but this segmentation does not seem to be related to labor earnings differences between men and women. Instead, the overall earnings gap seems to be the result of payment differences within occupations rather than differences in their occupational structures. This situation is probably associated with the marital situation of workers and the employment choices they make. For example, hourly earnings differences among single salaried men and women are very small but increase a great deal when estimated for married own-account workers. A hypothesis advanced to explain this behavior is that it probably reflects the fact that women are responsible for family and social care services

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