To what extent has climate change impacted the Total Factor Productivity of the Australian beef industry by state and as a country?


The societal and climatic pressures towards agriculture and specifically the beef industry is increasingly prevalent in recent years. This paper has identified and evaluated the impact of climate on the TFP of the beef sector by state and as a country, which was found to be negative on balance. Additionally, it was found that Victoria was the most susceptible to changes in climate on average, complimenting previous literature that the southern regions of Australia (NSW, VIC, SA, TAS) are more susceptible to changes in climate compared to northern regions on average. Moreover, this paper addressed the current and prospective initiatives and management practices to mitigate the impact of adverse climate aberations, which found that feed additives, the breed of cattle, government subsidised insurance markets and education will assist the productivity of the beef sector in Australia and develop the resilience of farmers during extreme climate aberations

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