
Graphs with Few Eigenvalues. An Interplay between Combinatorics and Algebra.


Abstract: Two standard matrix representations of a graph are the adjacency matrix and the Laplace matrix. The eigenvalues of these matrices are interesting parameters of the graph. Graphs with few eigenvalues in general have nice combinatorial properties and a rich structure. A well investigated family of such graphs comprises the strongly regular graphs (the regular graphs with three eigenvalues), and we may see other graphs with few eigenvalues as algebraic generalizations of such graphs. We study the (nonregular) graphs with three adjacency eigenvalues, graphs with three Laplace eigenvalues, and regular graphs with four eigenvalues. The last ones are also studied in relation with three-class association schemes. We also derive bounds on the diameter and on the size of special subsets in terms of the eigenvalues of the graph. Included are lists of feasible parameter sets of graphs with three Laplace eigenvalues, regular graphs with four eigenvalues, and three-class association schemes.

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