
My Days at Fisher


In lieu of an abstract, below is the essay\u27s first paragraph. I began my Fisher journey in the fall of 1987. I was a transfer student from SUNY Potsdam. I worked full time at St. John Fisher’s child care center and took classes before work, on my lunch hour, and at night. I had a job at the child care center that was supposed to be a summer job, but turned full time at the end of the summer. I was very lucky to have a boss who was flexible with my hours. I taught the three year old class, ran the after school program, and supervised work study students. I loved working at the child care center because it was such a warm caring environment for both children and employees. I learned a lot from the director Sally Zepecki and all of the staff really. They were all women with families and I was just barely twenty years old. I still can’t believe they trusted me to drive a Fisher van full of six through ten year olds around all summer on field trips. At the end of the summer those same school aged kids would come to my house for a camp out

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