
Assessment of Organizational Culture in Chiropractic Education and its Influence on the Implementation of Revised Accreditation Standards


Developing and implementing a change process to demonstrate alignment with updated accreditation standards is a challenge that is currently facing all chiropractic colleges across the United States. The purpose of this study was to identify the current organizational cultures of the 18 CCE accredited doctor of chiropractic educational institutions within the United States and to assess if there are characteristics of the organizational cultures that support or resist the implementation of change. Using a mixed method sequential explanatory design, this study gathered quantitative data from the faculty and administrators of these institutions through the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) (Cameron & Quinn, 2011) and qualitative data through the use of faculty and administrator focus groups. Data from the qualitative phase was then used to help explain the quantitative results. Analysis of the OCAI was based on the Competing Values Framework (Cameron & Quinn, 2011) and indicated that the predominant culture type in the institutions that participated in this study is the hierarchy culture. Analysis of the faculty and administrator focus group data was directed by the concepts of Lewin’s Field Theory (1947) and indicated that characteristics of support for change could be identified under the themes of a) drives of change, b) change champions, and c) welcoming growth. The results also indicated that characteristics of organizational culture that resist change could be identified under the themes of a) loss of control, b) lack of connectedness, c) institutional traditions, and d) culture clash. Further analysis revealed ambivalence as a characteristic within some focus group participants. This finding was considered to carry significant importance when considering participant’s response to change initiatives. Merging of the quantitative and the qualitative findings in the mixed method analysis revealed that there was qualitative evidence to support the quantitative findings of primary culture types, internal organizational focus and a preference of organizations toward stability and control. This study offers a new understanding of organizational cultures for leaders in chiropractic education that can serve to support efforts to implement change. Several recommendations are outlined including the use of change strategies that are in line with the values of the organizational culture

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