
Employee Satisfaction at The Legal Aid Society (LAS) of Rochester, NY


This study examines the satisfaction levels of employees at the Legal Aid Society (LAS) in Rochester New York. Employees satisfaction in terms of being satisfied or not satisfied with their job was measured using a survey instrument that consisted of qualitative and quantitative questions. The quantitative part contained 75 statements asking employees to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement on a six-point Likert-scale. The qualitativl:! .S(:!(.:tiun was comprised of three, open-ended questions asking participants to respond in terms of what they like, dislike, and recommendations for improvements about their jobs at Legal Aid Society. Data were gathered from 43 subjects, all working at LAS. Results indicate that overall, the whole organization is facing critical hygiene issues with pay and benefits on top of the list, followed by working conditions. The theoretical and methodological implications, the limitations of the study and scope for further research are presented. KEYWORDS: job satisfaction; motivation; nonprofits; for-profits; hygiene issues; and employee satisfaction

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