
Estimation with Inequality Constraints on Parameters and Truncation of the Sampling Distribution.


Theoretical constraints on economic model parameters often are in the form of inequality restrictions. For example, many theoretical results are in the form of monotonicity or nonnegativity restrictions. Inequality constraints can truncate sampling distributions of parameter estimators, so that asymptotic normality no longer is possible. Sampling theoretic asymptotic inference is thereby greatly complicated or compromised. We use numerical methods to investigate the resulting sampling properties of inequality-constrained estimators produced by popular methods of imposing inequality constraints, with particular emphasis on the method of squaring, which is the most widely used method in the applied literature on estimating integrable neoclassical systems of demand equations. See Barnett and Binner (2004).Asymptotics, truncated sampling distribution, nonidentified sign, inequality constraints, bootstrap, jackknife.

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