Does Higher Education System of United Kingdom Produce Enough Graduates?


In this discourse the researcher tried to make the readers view the three-dimensional image of the productivity and contribution of higher education of United Kingdom, quantitatively as well as qualitatively, through the prism of comparison with that of USA and France. The researcher presented information regarding population, economic status, graduate enrolment and entrance trend of the higher education students in the United Kingdom. And at the end the researcher gave the data depicting the impact of higher education on the UK economy. Although, UK comes to the second place (after the USA, a giant in knowledge and economy) in the world, yet the competing situation in France could not be overlooked. The researcher thinks it will make the reader able to have, not only, some knowledge of the higher education system but also the relationship of higher education and labour market. It will also help the reader to dig out into the efficacy and efficiency of the system with regards to the economic development of the state

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