


This document is an abstract of the topics covered in a Tecnical Working day held in Almu&ntilde;ecar, about subtropcial crops: avocado and mango (25th and 26th of March 2015). The mains lines of work of IFAPA Irrigation System (SAR) were described and the methodology and the firs result of a study about avocado irrigation peformed by the project Transforma CONECTA-SAR (PP.TRA.TRA201300.10) confinanced by Operative Program corresponding to the FEDER Cohesion Fund Andalucia 2007-2013 were presented. The knowledge of the biology of mains pest of subtropical crops is esential for its monitoring and control. The ferilizer is necesary to grow properly and yield a quality product but a fertilizer schedudle depend on many factors which are desribed in this document.En este documento se exponen a modo de resumen los principales aspectos tratados en la Jornada T&eacute;cnica sobre cultivos subropicales celebrada los d&iacute;as 25 y 26 de marzo de 2015 en el municipio de Almu&ntilde;&eacute;car. Las intervenciones abordaron el riego, el control de plagas y la fertilizaci&oacute;n de los dos cultivos. &nbsp;</p

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