
Control of Footrot in Small Ruminants of Nepal


Footrot, a bacterial disease which attacks the feet of sheep and goats causing lameness and high levels of flock mortality, was endemic in the western districts of Nepal. As a result of the collaborative efforts between Nepalese, Australian and British scientists within ACIAR projects AS2/1991/017 and AS2/1996/021, the virulent form of this disease has been eradicated from the livestock industries of the country. The economic benefits stemming from this achievement are described and quantified in this report. Over the 1993–2022 period, ACIAR invested A1.5millioninresearchdesignedtoimprovethemanagementoffootrotinNepal.Basedonlevelsofdiseaseprevalencereportedatthebeginningoftheprojectsandaprobabilityofthediseasespreadingtootherdistricts,diseaseeradicationwillresultinarealisednetpresentvalueofA1.5 million in research designed to improve the management of footrot in Nepal. Based on levels of disease prevalence reported at the beginning of the projects and a probability of the disease spreading to other districts, disease eradication will result in a realised net present value of A2.8 million. A benefit–cost ratio of 2.9:1 was estimated for the projects, which indicates that for each dollar invested, 2.9 dollars of project benefits will be generated. Several other countries, such as Bhutan and possibly Australia, could benefit from the footrot vaccination practices developed in these projects. Sensitivity analysis outlined in the concluding section of the report indicates that these benefits could be substantial and their inclusion would increase the value of ACIAR-supported research.Footrot, ruminants, bacterial disease, Nepal, Australia, livestock, economic benefits, net present value, benefit-cost ratio, disease eradication, Farm Management, International Development, Livestock Production/Industries, Production Economics,

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