
Introduction: pluralistic and multicultural reexaminations of tolerance/toleration


This special issue of JET will discuss ???Pluralism, Multiculturalism, and Tolerance/Toleration.??? The highest social idea is ???universal love,??? however the bottom line of a realistic society is ???tolerance/toleration.??? ???Tolerance/toleration??? can be defined as a sense of openness to difference and diversity, namely, a just, inclusive, pluralistic, and objective attitude of mind or way of thinking toward different genders, races, religions, and nationalities as well as different values, rights, interests, spiritualities, and socio-political ideas. But what are the more detailed distinctions between tolerance and toleration? V. Bader answers: ???Tolerance/toleration, first, can refer to (a) an articulated normative principle; (b) an individual attitude, disposition or a personal virtue; and (c) to collective practices and institutional regimes. When I mean an articulated normative principle, I call it tolerance; when I refer to attitudes, virtues, practices and institutional regimes I use the term toleration.??? (Bader 2011, 18

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