Fundamentarea deciziei, obiectiv primordial în realizarea unei economii moderne


The permanent adaptation of the organization to the changes from the intern and extern environment is done through the managerial activity which essentially represents an ensemble of interdependent decisions. The functionality and viability of the organizations cannot be conceived outside an adequate process of decision. Nowadays there is a tendency of increasing the risks because of the intense amplification, diversification, dinamization and innovation of the ensemble of activities and factors which influence the organization and its environment. To counteract this tendency the management of risks developed. This has in view the reduction of risks correlated with the realization of the objectives of the firm that means changes in the perspective and the structure of decisions. This means that a thoroughly evaluation of reality and intense anticipatory efforts are necessary providing this way vast and precise information that allow, using adequate instruments, the endorsement of efficient decisions. The world that we live in, seen as an ensemble is a closed world which is in a permanent change and at a closer look we can a certain that it is also very different from the point of view of regions, civilized countries, historic periods etc. knowledge represents the solution for the future existence of this world and for approaching from all aspects of the segments that is made of. Knowledge is the chance that appears now and must not be wasted to rediscover later, after the negative effects of this lack of intuition will have been finished

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