Pertumbuhan dan Konvergensi pada Industri Tebu di Asia Tenggara


This paper analysis growth and convergence on sugarcane industry in southeast Asia countries. Important questions in this paper are whether the growth of sugar cane in Southeast Asia a convergence or divergence over time and to what extent economic integration influences the development and policy of countries. To answer the question, in this paper done by GLS techniques analysis and used the distribution of the logarithmic sugar cane’s output data characteristics. Data in this paper published at the country level by FAOSTAT. Countries data which produce sugar cane in Southeast Asia are: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, The Philippines, and Vietnam. This countries are Cross section identifiers in panel data which time series data set in analysis is 1961-2000. In empirical result, B - convergence both basic variable and equation with dummy the regression equation indicate that these variables do have effects in addition to convergence and speed of convergence. The results also strengthen the hypothesis that when σ - convergence are accounted

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