Modelowanie AHP wyboru menadżera ds. integracji organizacyjnej w procesie fuzji przedsiębiorstw w kontekście teorii struktury rozwoju przywództwa.


Objective: elaboration of a decision-making model for choosing the organizational integration manager in the process of companies’ merger. Research Design & Methods: Analytic Hierarchy Process has been employed for model designing. Decision criteria came from a literature analysis on mergers and acquisitions. Decision alternatives derive from the modified Leadership Development Framework by Torbert & Cook-Greuter. Assessments of relevance of decision-making criteria have been acquired from carefully selected experts in mergers and acquisitions. Findings: research resulted in a decision-making model that proved that the possibly optimal efficiency of managing the organizational integration stage should be attributed to the Achiever leadership level. Implications & Recommendations: the model can be used in praxis for choosing managers, whenever their field of expertise is not the unique selection criterion. Contribution & Value Added: the application of a multicriteria decision-making model allows a wider perspective on managerial personnel selection for precisely defined managerial tasks – incorporating the candidate’s personality as one of the decision-making factors

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