Visitors’ satisfaction in Dubai and pre-trip destination image


Understanding the factors that influence tourists’ satisfaction and the pre-trip destination image of potential visitors is particularly important for policy makers and tourism marketers. The objective of this study is twofold; first to assess the satisfaction level of tourists who have visited Dubai and further explore the factors that shape it and associate with it. Second, to assess the intention to visit Dubai according to the pre-trip destination image of potential tourists. This empirical study relies on a unique sample of 210 participants from all over the world in the year 2017. Several demographic characteristics as well as variables related to the trip process and the city attributes are collected and explored in order to document any relationship between the two groups. The major findings of the ordered logit analysis demonstrate that the city attributes are the most significant contributors to tourists’ satisfaction and to non visitors’ intention to visit Dubai. Trip factors and demographic characteristics also play a significant role only for the group of visitors. The overall satisfaction is what creates loyalty and drives tourists to repeat their visit

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