
Measuring the Location Value of a Recreation Site


The demand for sport fishing on the Snake River reservoirs was estimated using the travel cost method. A short-run demand model was specified with location value for anglers who have the option to access a follow-on site if fishing conditions are poor. Willingness to pay for a fishing trip to the site was 18.52foranglerswhodidnothaveafollowonsiteand18.52 for anglers who did not have a follow-on site and 43.48 for anglers who did. A location value of 24.96accruedonlytoanglerswithafollowonsite.Totalannualsitevaluewasunderstatedbyasmuchas4024.96 accrued only to anglers with a follow-on site. Total annual site value was understated by as much as 40% (0.78 million) if location value for anglers with a follow-on site was excluded from the benefit estimate.contingent behavior, count data, endogenous stratification, follow-on site, location value, multiple destination, option value, short-run demand, travel cost method, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

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