
Python Photogrammetry Toolbox: A free solution for Three-Dimensional Documentation


International audienceThe modern techniques of Structure from Motion (SfM) and Image-Based Modelling (IBM) open new perspectives in the field of archaeological documentation, providing a simple and accurate way to record three-dimensional data. In the last edition of the workshop, the presentation "Computer Vision and Structure From Motion, new methodologies in archaeological three-dimensional documentation. An open source approach." showed the advantages of this new methodology (low cost, portability, versatility ...), but it also identified some problems: the use of the closed feature detector SIFT source code and the necessity of a simplification of the workflow. The software Python Photogrammetry Toolbox (PPT) is a possible solution to solve these problems. It is composed of python scripts that automate the different steps of the workflow. The entire process is reduced in two commands, calibration and dense reconstruction. The user can run it from a graphical interface or from terminal command

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