
South Korean Millers’ Preferences for the Quality Characteristics of Hard White Wheat that is Used in Producing All-purpose Flour


Using the choice-based conjoint analysis and self explicated approach, I elicited South Korean millers’ preference and willingness to pay for the quality characteristics of hard white wheat that is used in producing all-purpose flour. In specified seven attributes, test weight, moisture, and price significantly affect to South Korean millers’ utility but protein contents, ash, dockage, and falling number does not. South Korean millers are more willing to pay to change the quality characteristics related to the milling yields and profitability, such as test weight, moisture and dockage. But their willingness-to-pay for protein content is not as big as common expectation. Along with the research of Srinivasan (1997), we found that the self-explicated approach yields a slightly (but not statistically significantly) higher predictive validity than does the choice-based conjoint analysis. The results of this study provide not only guideline of quality standards of hard white wheat, but also focus point that U.S. producers have to intensify among quality characteristics of hard white wheat to create demand in South Korean market.Hard White Wheat, South Korean wheat market, Choice-based conjoint analysis, Self-explicated approach, Conditional logit model, Willingness-to-pay, Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Consumer/Household Economics, Crop Production/Industries, Demand and Price Analysis, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, International Relations/Trade, Marketing, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

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