
The IPR System, Venture Capital and Capital Markets – Contributions and Distortions of Small Firm Innovation?


This study explores how capital markets, exemplified by venture capital, and recent trends in the patent system may influence innovation activity and the financing of small businesses. Specifically it is evaluated if there are costs and distortions of incentives related hereto. Additionally, the positive contribution of venture capital in the patenting process is investigated. It is found that trends at a macro economic level is nowadays of major importance for the patenting and innovation behaviour and financing of firms. Patenting has increased in scale, scope and trade volume, patents have become a strategic asset to an extent that may de-link it from innovation activities. The IPR-system may render distortions of innovation activities facilitated by these trends. These distortions may impose costs on the overall function of the innovation system, costs that are unequally distributed among firms as small firms are bearing most of the burdens. The results points to new perspectives on strategy that are important to management of firms and investment funds.Small firms; venture capital; IPR

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