
Vitesse de convergence en M-estimation de données markoviennes


International audienceLet {Xn}n0\{X_n\}_{n\ge 0} be a VV-geometrically ergodic Markov chain with V1V\geq 1 some fixed unbounded real-valued function and consider Mn(α)=n1k=1nF(α,Xk1,Xk)M_n(\alpha) = n^{-1} \sum_{k=1}^n F(\alpha,X_{k-1},X_k), \alpha\in\mathcalA\in \mathbbR for some real-valued functional F(,,)F(\cdot,\cdot,\cdot). Define the MM-estimator α^n\widehat \alpha_n such that M_n(\widehat \alpha_n) \leq \min_{\alpha\in\mathcalA} M_n(\alpha) + c_n with cnc_n, n1n\geq 1 some sequence of real numbers decreasing to zero. Under some standard regularity assumptions, close to that of the i.i.d case, and under the moment assumption (Fα(α,x,y)+2Fα2(α,x,y))3+εC(V(x)+V(y))\left(\bigg|\frac{\partial F}{\partial\alpha}(\alpha,x,y)\bigg| + \bigg|\frac{\partial^2 F}{\partial\alpha^2}(\alpha,x,y)\bigg|\right)^{3+\varepsilon} \leq C\, (V(x) + V(y)) for some constants ε>0\varepsilon>0 and C>0C>0, the estimator α^n\widehat\alpha_n satisfies a Berry-Esseen theorem uniformly with respect to the underlying probability distribution of the Markov chain

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