"Deficits, Debts and Growth: A Reprieve but not a Pardon"
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These are fast moving times. Two years ago, the U.S. Congressional Budget Office (CBO, 2001) projected a federal budget surplus of 172billionforfiscalyear2003.Oneyearago,theprojectedfigurehadchangedtoadeficitof145 billion (CBO 2002). The actual figure, near the end of fiscal year 2003, turned out to be a deficit of about 390billion.Andjustonemonthago,PresidentBushsubmittedarequesttoCongressforanadditional87 billion appropriation for war expenditures, over and above the $166 billion tallied so far. It is widely anticipated that even this will have to be revised upward by the end of the coming year (Stevenson 2003; Firestone 2003).