
Innovative Approaches to Developmental Microfinance in India


Though microfinance in India has grown phenomenally in the last decade, there has been a problem with increasing the geographical reach and impact of the same. The reasons for less reach are multifold but primarily, lack of continuous capital and little state & regulatory support to the sector. To address the problem of capital, the first part of this study focuses on which funding source suits the industry the most given its mission to alleviate poverty, in order to create commercially sound and sustainable organizations. The second part of this study focuses on increasing the impact which microfinance can create on the lives of the poor, by innovatively using the channel of microfinance to provide increased access to education to the poor. Empowerment through education will be a key in any efforts to improve the quality of rural life and the welfare of the next generation in developing countries.Microfinance, education, integrate, equity

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