
Exchange Rate Pass-Through into Import Prices: The Case of Chile


In this paper we estimate the exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) into disaggregated import price data at monthly frequency. We work with import prices both at the border and at the wholesale level, and our results are consistent with the idea of a high ERPT— complete in the long-run—which has not declined for both pricing levels. In the shortrun, however, wholesale prices seem to be less sensitive to exchange rate variations. This may indicate the existence of a pass-through less than perfect in the distribution chain from prices at the border to its wholesale counterpart. In addition, we find weak evidence of asymmetric pass-through from appreciations versus depreciations for the aggregate import indexes. Finally, we also explore if the high and not declining ERPT is given by the fact that Chilean imports are concentrated in products with such ERPT, and our results support the view that this is not the case.

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