
Aperturas Analíticas del Balance del Banco Central de Chile e Información de Liquidez en Moneda Extranjera


This paper introduces a coherent set of statistics that allows close monitoring of the Central Bank’s foreign exchange interventions, its international reserves situation, its foreign currency exposure, and its consolidated foreign liquidity position with the Central Government. The set of tables comprises new ones and rearrangements of existing ones. The information has been released to the public and will be updated regularly, starting December 26, 2006. This paper also describes the tables, deals with conceptual and methodological issues, and describes the similarities and differences of these data with the balance sheet information that the Central Bank releases to the public. There are several annexes that cover the actual data for the period 2000 to 2006, a glossary, a conceptual derivation of the tables starting from stocks and flows in the balance sheet, an explanation of the link between these data and the more general concepts of stocks and flows, and finally, numerical examples of different transactions and how they are reflected in the tables.

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