
Empalme PIB: Series Anuales y Trimestrales 1986 - 1995, Base 1996. Documento Metodológico


In March 2002 the Central Bank published a new data series of National Accounts for Chile for the period 1996-2001, using 1996 as the new base period. In order to provide users with longer annual and quarterly time series, this paper links the 1986 base period GDP series with the 1996 base period GDP data (for total GDP and expenditure components). The paper discusses the methodologies and recommendations made by SNA 93, the European System of National Accounts, and specific countries. Past retropolations to Chilean national accounts and the linking methodology used are also discussed. Finally, the paper annex provides a simple numerical example to illustrate the change of base period and the standard problems that have to be addressed in these cases.

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