
An Urbanism oriented towards rail in Germany and France: selected findings of the Bahn.Ville project


Transit oriented development has become in the recent years a topic of high interest both for researchers and for practitioners. The French-German project Bahn.Ville 2 has the objective of testing the principles of an urbanism orientated towards rail by implementation on two regional railway lines (St. Etienne – Firminy, Lyon metropolitan region as well as Taunusbahn, Frankfurt/Rhein-Main region). This paper is presenting selected results on - innovations in regional planning instruments in France (Schéma de Cohérence Territorial) and Germany (Regionaler Flächennutzungsplan) and their respective for a better integration of land-use and transport, - specific observations on neighborhood mobility in the station surrounding and propositions for high quality walking environments as well as - the potential of an observation tool designed to support public intervention on land-use and transport around stations. The results constitute three original contributions of the Bahn.Ville 2 project in the sense of the support sustainable mobility by an urbanism orientated towards rail

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