
The cultural dimension of territorial intelligence, state of the art, case of cultural heritage


International audienceA new field of research and experimentation is the cultural dimension of territorial intelligence, which means the analysis of the cultural conditions of a sustainable development. Theses conditions are at least cultural diversity and social cohesion. Some significant works have been done concerning the link between culture, territory and identity; cultural diversity is very often considered from the point of view of cultural industries, but it must refer firstly to different people living in the same territory. A very important question is how diversity can be taken into account in the field of heritage and cultural wealth. After his very important work about " places of memory ", Pierre Nora explains that there are three ages of the national heritage in France (but it is true elsewhere). In the first Era (before 1980), the aim was to take inventory of exceptional and outstanding monuments and masterpieces of art and architecture. After 1980, it was admitted that cultural heritage had to be enlarged to landscapes, but also to all human kinds of culture, including local heritage, minorities heritages, oral tradition and intangible culture (such as Unesco does for the list of world heritage). Since the beginning of the new century, because of digital technologies, everything can be conserved, everything can be added to common heritage, like billions of photographs available on the web. This re evaluation of what we call cultural heritage has consequences on identities, and also on the link between culture and development. More and more, economists take into account the value of immaterial assets. It can be also proven that cultural heritage can be a source of local developmentand social cohesion. But local actors could work more efficiently if they had tools able to mobilisecultural resources in local developments projects. It could be a track for discussion in Enti Program

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