
O mercado de carne bovina no Brasil: os efeitos da eliminação das barreiras tarifárias e não-tarifárias


This paper analyses the possible impacts of tariffs and nontariffs barriers elimination on beef market in Brazil. To evaluate the effects of free trade is used a spatial model formulated as Mixed Complementary Problem (MCP). We simulate four sceneries to achieve this purpose: the first simulates the elimination of all trade barriers in a multilateral scope; the second simulates the free trade area creation between Mercosur and EU countries. The third simulates the free trade area formation between the America countries (FTAA); and the fourth considers the elimination of Foot and Mouth Disease in Mercosur countries. In the beef market it is not enough eliminate the tariffs barriers to stimulate the beef production and exportation in Brazil. The major gains occurs in sceneries where is eliminated the non-tariffs barriers.beef market, trade agreements, non-tariffs barriers., Agribusiness, C61, F13, F15.,

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