3D Reconstitution of the Loyola Sugar Plantation and Virtual Reality Applications


International audienceDiscovered in 1988 , the Loyola sugar plantation , owned by the Jesuits in French Guiana , is a major plantation of colonial history and slavery. Ongoing archaeological excavations have uncovered the Jesuit ' s house and the outbuildings usually associated with a plantation such as a chapel and its cemetery , a blacksmith shop , a pottery , the remains of the entire sugar production (a windmill , a boiler and a dryer) , coffee and indigo warehouses etc. Based on our findings and our network with 3D graphic designers and researchers in virtual reality , a 3D restitution integrated within a virtual reality platform was initiated to develop a better understanding of the plantation and its surrounding landscape. Also , our work on the interactive changes of sunlight and animal sounds aims to reconstruct a coherent evolution during one day of the site's environmen

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