Go-Lab Releases of the Lab Owner and Cloud Services (Final) – M33


This deliverable is the corresponding companion of D4.5 Specifications of theLab Owner and Cloud Services. The latter deliverable has been submitted atM30, and is the final document detailing the solution devised by Go-Lab for integratingnew and legacy remote laboratories (labs) in its infrastructure. Go-Labprovides two approaches to integrate remote laboratories: the Smart Deviceand the Smart Gateway approaches. While the first corresponds to the developmentand deployment of new labs, the second is destined for existing labs. Yet,both implement the Smart Device Paradigm as presented in D4.5, and brieflypresented in the Introduction of this document. Starting from the specificationspresented in D4.5, lab owners are expected to be able to create/adapt andsmoothly deploy their labs in the Go-Lab platform.In this deliverable we provide templates for lab owners to use in order to interfacetheir new physical labs with embedded devices (the Smart Devices). Thetemplates provide the architecture skeleton for the laboratory server applicationfollowing the Smart Device paradigm. The templates implement a set ofspecifications to ensure that they are scalable, readable, and maintainable; insuringthe ease and augmented use of these templates. Using the templates,lab providers are not concerned about the architecture of their lab servers. Thistask is alleviated by the templates. The targeted platforms are Node.js on BeagleBoneBlack (BBB), and LabVIEW on myRIO . We also provide example labsimplemented with the produced packages, as well as with other platforms andtechnologies.We also provide support for existing online laboratory systems with the SmartGateway. The Smart Gateway supports both real laboratories (e.g. Remlabnet)and simulation (e.g. Concord, QuVis). The integration of these labs in theGo-Lab infrastructure with the Smart Gateway means that all current and futurelaboratories provided by these systems are and will be automatically availablefor Go-Lab consumption. Each of these systems offers more than 20 laboratoriesat the moment, which is a good gain for the project. Additionally, newdeveloped features of the Smart Gateway since D4.3 are presented, such as thesupport of internationalization of external laboratories, and new mechanisms forthe integration of laboratories (HTTP plug-in examples)

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