Monitoring of stormwater between 2002 and 2010. What is the evolution of stormwater quality ?


The city of Toulouse with its separate storm sewer system is ideal for studying stormwater. That is why since 2002, three stormwater sampling campaigns were conducted. Samples were taken from the outlets of two storm drains located in heavily and moderately urbanized areas. Sampling was undertaken during wet weather and dry weather during the year 2002 for the first campaign, during the year 2007 for the second one and during the year 2010 for the last one. The overall pollution parameters were analyzed (chemical oxygen demand, biological oxygen demand, total nitrogen, ammonium, nitrate, total phosphorus, suspended solid matter, volatile suspended matter, pH, conductivity, turbidity) and the presence of some micropollutants was studied (6 PAHs, MTBE and total hydrocarbons). Results showed an evolution of stormwater quality between the three campaigns and an improvement of nutrient and suspended solid concentrations. They indicated also that dry weather had an impact on annual pollution load from separate storm sewer and that level of urbanization was also a factor whatever the year of sampling

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