
Компьютерное моделирование базовой геометрии крыла самолета


У статті проаналізовано деякі аспекти варіантного моделювання базової геометрії крила літака. Запропоновано нові способи та прийоми інтегрованого формоутворення в середовищі сучасних систем автоматизованого проектування, наведено відповідні ілюстративні приклади. Виконано узагальнення стосовно перспектив практичного впровадження отриманих результатів, їх застосування в подальших наукових дослідженнях щодо комп’ютерного опрацювання авіаційної техніки.The paper analyzes some aspects of the variant modeling for basic geometry of airplane wing. These data include information on the theoretical external surfaces of the airplane, the location of such elements of its design-force elements as spars, ribs and stringers of wing, etc. The basic geometry is the foundation for subsequent automated design of airplane and also for creation technological processes of its manufacture and use. New ways and methods of integrated forming in the environment of modern CAD systems have been proposed. They are based on extensive use of information technology databases, flexible performing alternative calculations and the correct implementation of the geometric modeling of technical objects in the environment of modern computer-aided design. OpenOffice Calc spreadsheets and CAD SolidWorks were taken to carry out related research. Database of aerodynamic profiles and basic geometry of the wing was set up in the environment of the first software package. Automated communication geometric wing database with other software for its design has been installed. The corresponding geometric relationship database wing and SolidWorks CAD has been implemented. This technique allows an automated way to create and analyze multiple design variants of the airplane wing. The specified method significantly improves the quality of created technical objects. The laboriousness of design work is also reduced. This is achieved by through automation of all design operations. Illustrative examples in the environment OpenOffice Calc spreadsheets and SoidWorks CAD are given in this article. Calculation formulas to populate of database fields are shown. Questions relationship base geometry of the wing and its strength, design, technology, manufacturing and operation are analyzed. The proposed technique can be used as part of the general methodology of complex automation of the aircraft throughout its life cycle. Summary of the practical implementation of the results and their use in further research in the field of computer design of airplane has been completed.В статье проанализированы некоторые аспекты вариантного моделирования базовой геометрии крыла самолета. Предложены новые способы и приемы интегрированного формообразования в среде современных систем автоматизированного проектирования, приведены соответствующие иллюстративные примеры. Выполнены обобщения относительно перспектив практического внедрения полученных результатов, их применения в дальнейших научных исследованиях в области компьютерной разработки авиационной техники

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