
Исследование цветовоспроизведения на одно- и двухслойной бумаге специального назначения


Визначено та порівняно фізико-технологічні параметри досліджуваних зразків паперу і фарби. Досліджено колірні характеристики відбитків, побудовано графіки залежності колірного зсуву від товщини фарбового шару. Визначено залежність оптичної щільності відбитків від товщини фарбового шару.To produce national banknotes a new two-layer paper will use. This paper produced by formaldehid-free technology. Using two-layer paper may differ physical and optical parameters of paper and as a result – chroma, saturation and drying time of ink prints. Therefore, the use of new materials requires research on the impact parameters of these materials for printing, technical properties and the quality of printed products. As a result, it was investigated the influence of the structure, physical, mechanical and color characteristics of two-layer banknote paper, produced by formaldehid-free technology of printing, technical features and quality printed products for special purposes. Revealed that during the application of one type of ink with the same technological conditions, color prints on different paper is slightly different. Parts of the L*, a*, b* color model SIELab prints on a two-layer paper is more close to the components L*, a*, b* color. Thus, two-layer paper allows to get color prints with less deviation relative to ink, that is to ensure better color reproduction. In general, the color deviation between single- and two-layer paper with the same thickness of ink layer is negligible - not more than three ΔE. Found that two-layer paper has better strength properties compared to single layer paper (greater number of double bends, more destructive efforts, etc.). Overall, two-layer paper strength indices higher than single-layer. Thus, the notes printed on a two-layer paper will be longer in circulation, which will save materials and production facilities Banknote coin factory.Определены и сопоставлены физико-технологические параметры исследуемых образцов бумаги и краски. Исследованы цветовые характеристики оттисков, построены графики зависимости цветовых различий от толщины красочного слоя. Определена зависимость оптической плотности оттисков от толщины красочного слоя

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