
Upper Ordovician Strata of Southern Ohio-Indiana: Shales, Shell Beds, Storms, Sediment Starvation, and Cycles


The Cincinnatian Series (ca. 450 to 442 Ma) of the Cincinnati Arch features some of the most spectacular Ordovician fossils in the world. The rich faunas of bryozoans, brachiopods, molluscs, echinoderms, and trilobites are preserved as discrete shell-rich limestones, cyclically interbedded with sparsely fossiliferous shales and mudstones that may yield exceptionally preserved trilobites and crinoids. Similar successions of shell beds interbedded with mudstones are common components of Paleozoic successions. In such successions, the genesis of the highly concentrated shell beds is often attributed to storm-winnowing, but is this the whole story? This trip will offer an overview of the classic Cincinnatian Series, with ample opportunity for examining and collecting the rich fossil assemblages throughout much of the succession. Discussions will focus on the origin of interbedded mudstone-limestone cycles. We will emphasize depositional processes, particularly the role of intermittent siliciclastic sediment supply, carbonate (shell) production, and winnowing by storms and other high-energy events in a critical discussion of the storm-winnowing model

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