Social and family policy in contemporary Ukraine: theoretical and practical aspects of its development


В даній статті здійснено теоретичний та практичний аналіз вибіркових аспектів соціальної та сімейної політики в сучасній Україні. З’ясовано важливість виокремлення сімейної політики в самостійний напрям, в межах соціальної політики загалом. Проаналізовано важливість сімейної політики для сучасного суспільства.Family is the base institute of society without which it is impossible to present existence and development of the modern state. Changes, which take a place today in a structure and composition of family, domestic roles, functions of family, lead to expedience of revision of the existent state system of influence on the institute of family and development of new model of their mutual relations. The social politics of the modern states is orientated not only in support the present level of social guarantees and creation of mechanisms of social defence of the most vulnerable separate task forces but also on realization of the of long duration programs in relation to the cardinal change of bases of the system of social defence, increase of its efficiency in modern society. Development socially – economic society influences on development of modern family which is him by a primary link status. The transformation processes of this development in Ukraine require new, innovative forms. Speech goes, exceptionally not about a social politics, but about a family politics, as it important constituent. A public family politics is determined by us as independent separate direction of social politics, as a complex system of activity of public organs, which with the purpose of support, strengthening and development is directed on the social institute of family, on welfare of family. A domestic politics includes for itself purposeful activity of the state above all things, and also other subjects of politics, oriented on providing of social safety of family, its prosperity, strengthening and development of family as a major institute of society, creation of necessary terms for its functioning and successful implementation socially - meaningful functions. In this article there is theoretical and practical analysis of chosen aspects of social and family politics is modern Ukraine. Defined an importance of separation of family policy from social politics into an independent science. Made an analysis of importance of family politics for modern society nowadays.В данной статье осуществлен теоретический и практический анализ выборочных аспектов социальной и семейной политики в современной Украине. Выяснена важность отделения семейной политики от социальной политики в целом. Проанализирована важность семейной политики для современного общества

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